This is me…and this is a work in progress

This IS me, expanding my horizons.

Many things I read suggest it’s good to do that, “expand your horizons.”

This usually happens in one of two ways. You yourself can decide to “expand your horizons,” or circumstances may force you to do it. In either case, there may be pain and discomfort involved. Expanding your horizons does not normally come easy, not for me at least.

I thought it would be fun to do a blog. I wanted it to be easy. Just know that I’m the kind of guy who used to build model airplanes, only using the instructions as a last resort. There’s a picture of what it’s supposed to look like on the box, how hard could it be? But, that didn’t always work out well.

I set up a blog that was relatively easy but it didn’t work out very well. So, now I’m “expanding my horizons” with one that I think will be better. And, I’m having to read some directions. I have the obligatory “…for dummies” book and I’m asking Google quite a few questions. I think I’m making some progress. In spite of what the lead-ins on the www say, it’s not a 15 or 30-minute project, not for me anyway. So far I’ve maintained my cool. There’s been a time or two in this process when I wanted to throw something, but as I looked around for something to throw, everything was mine and I didn’t want to break any of my stuff!

I seem to remember a teacher, or maybe it was my Mom or Dad, or actually, it might have been Joyce telling me that you get out of something just about what you put into it. I”m trying to keep that in mind.

I read somewhere many years ago that we all live under the same sky, we just have different horizons. I think that may be true, it sounds good anyway does it not? So, this is me attempting to move my horizon just a bit further out. Let me know if you like it.

Best regards,
