“Good morning…again”

For some reason, I woke up a bit on the grumpy side this morning.

It was a typical damp, cloudy, drizzly morning here in Scotland, the kind of morning I really don’t mind and really kind of enjoy.  So, I remain uncertain of the reason for my grumpiness. I don’t think it was because of the weather.

It was “picture day” at school and in spite of the early hour, Ashley had Elspeth fixed up really, really nice.

As Elspeth and I walked toward school, we met an older lady with her long, old fashioned, somewhat drab colored winter coat. Her equally old-fashioned purse hung over one arm, and the lead for her companion, a gentle and very friendly golden retriever who trotted obediently at her side was in her other hand.

She smiled and said those encouraging Scottish words often heard on a Scottish morning, whether it be beautiful or otherwise; “Good morning!” I noticed her retriever smiled as well.  I responded with my own “good morning.”

I continued walking the constantly speaking Elspeth toward school, she was saying something about a flood, and she was certain I needed to know about it. I left her at the door at school, saying   “Have a great day,” I turned and headed back toward home.

I was almost back turning off the wee path toward the house, and guess what? It was my new friends, the lady and the golden retriever again!  We shared yet again a smile and the words “Good morning.”  We both added the word “Again.” Her golden retriever came over for its second pat on the head.

How I managed to meet these two again, coming from a totally different direction I do not know.

I also don’t know if the lady and her golden retriever knew how much I needed to hear “Good morning twice.

So, my message for you to today is when you meet a grumpy old person like me, just smile, and say “Good morning” as you pass. If you have a friendly golden retriever, it will work even better.

You never know when you might lift someone’s day.