Tony Dungy-Falling short

One by one James is hitting areas in life where we as Christians fall short. He has warned about bad language, jealousy, bitterness, and pride. Chapter 4 vs 11 warns us against judging others.

He says don’t speak evil against others. Don’t criticize and judge. James calls that sinful. But what does that mean?

This doesn’t mean that we can’t have an opinion about what’s right and wrong. Or that we never approach our brothers and sisters about things they do that are contrary to God’s word.

James is talking about gossip and backstabbing. About criticizing someone’s behavior to other people but not speaking to them. That is totally different than counseling someone or even confronting them face to face about sin.

If we have loved ones or friends who are engaged in wrong behavior it is our duty to help them. Not judge them. Not criticize them. Help them see what God’s word says and how they might be harming themselves by disobeying His word. But we are not to just throw out criticism to them or other people. We’re not to make judgmental remarks that are meant to be hurtful rather than helpful.

My rule of thumb is:

Talk to people, not about people. Do it to be helpful out of love. Tell them what the Bible says and not what I think.