Tony Dungy-Do the right thing

Today’s lesson from James is just one verse-James 4:17. Many people think of the Bible in terms of do’s & dont’s. Do this because it’s good. Don’t do this because it’s bad. They think I’ll be OK as long as I don’t do anything bad. But here James is saying that’s not true.

Vs 17 says that if I know God has instructed me to do something and I don’t do it, that is a sin. This is a convicting statement because there are many more “do’s” in the Bible than there are “dont’s”

And some of them are not easy:

Love your neighbor as yourself.  Forgive your brother 70×7 times. Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you. 

These are all things God has told us to do. James just told us in Chapter 1 to be quick to listen and slow to get angry. To control our tongues at all times and to take care of the widows and orphans in our community.

Now he is saying if we know these are things we’re supposed to do and we don’t do them we are sinning. This is a powerful verse and one we need to think of often. God is not just looking at what we do, He’s also looking at what we DON’T do!