Skimmer toads…

This afternoon there were two frogs in the pool skimmmer. They were toads really, but we grew up calling them frogs and it’s hard to break the habit at my advanced age.

They were croaking, literally and figuratively as I went to check the pool. I wasn’t sure where that strange sound was coming from.  It was the frogs/toads croaking in the skimmer.

As i opened the skimmer, I quickly came up with a strategy to save them.  There isn’t a lot of room to work in the skimmer itself without possibly injuring the amphibians. (That’s what The Google says they are). 

I pushed them out into the open pool intending to dip them out with my appropriately named dip net, thereby saving their lives.

I know, it’s just the kind of guy I am.

So now the toads were free of the deadly skinner with its continous suction power. Now  they are in the open pool.  I’m coming to save them with my dip net.

Both toads whom I have just laboriously saved from the skimmer and now hope to extricate from the pool from which they cannot escape, dive straight to the bottom of the pool making them extra difficult to retrieve (save ) with the dip net.

I was sharing this story with my wife, and she said a very insightful and true thing.  She said, and I quote;  “They are much like many of the people we’ve tried to help over the years, running away from the help we were trying to provide.  I thought for a second and decided that she was rigjt.

She’s like that. 

She’s saved me from a thing or two.

Oh, you may be wondering about the two toads.  I finally was able to dip them out and I introduced them to a new habitat, aka the Blackmer Memorial Golf Course out back. I hope never to find them in the skimmer again. 

A guy can only be expected to help so much