Listenin’ and thinkin’…

US 54

Drivin,’ listenin’,’ and thinkin were things I had not done for a while.  Listenin’ and thinkin’ while drivin’ I mean.

As an old, retired guy, the busyness of the world seems to somehow keep catching up with me. I find myself listenin’ and thinkin,’ concentrating even, on what the world wants me to think. The world’s message comes through loud and clear on the radio, TV, the phone, the news, the music, and even some of the billboards.

I think listenin’ and thinkin’ are important, but I don’t seriously listen and think as often as I should. And suddenly, I’m surprised to  find myself thinking the world’s thoughts. Actually, it is never, suddenly, it is a process.

Driving is a good place for me to catch up on my listenin’ and thinkin.’ It was an even better before the distractions of cell phones.

When I’m drivin,’ I feel as if I have some control of my environment,  the potential distractions around me, all the while making sure; number one, that I am still in the right spot on the road and headed in the right direction.

I choose, when possible, to listen to Christian music when on the road. Closer to Wichita, I will sometimes tune in to HANK FM. There are some good messages in some of those old country songs.

And back in the day, I knew the radio stations between home and Knoxville Tennessee that carried Rush Limbaugh. Rush was a great guy, and he is sorely missed. It was always good thinkin’ from Rush, scary many times, but right.

But this past Wednesday, we were drivin’ home from an action-packed week in Wichita. There was football, there was youth rodeo, there was baseball, and there was football again to complete a game originally called due to nearby lightning. (As one who had to deal with the effects of lightning in my work, I am in favor of not being anywhere near where it’s gonna strike if possible.)

When lightning struck nearby, the score was 0-0 when the game was called in the third quarter. But “we” won 8-0 in the completion of the game.

Rodeo events did not happen because of rain and lightning.

Did it mention we have 14 year-old (nearly) Grandtwins there?

We also helped our daughters prepare for a presentation on Parkinson’s Disease at a location in downtown Wichita.

We also celebrated a birthday.

And now, here we are on the road again, sort of unwinding if you will. We are headed home to continue with the replacement of two fifty-year-old trees in our front yard. There is it seems, never a dull moment, or much time for listenin’ and thinkin.’

Traveling west on US 54, we eventually came within range of KJIL Christian Radio in Meade KS. Christian music is uplifting, relaxing, and can be instructional.

On the road, my primary responsibility is driving. I like driving. I did a lot of driving for our business, finding myself at various times in most states west of the Mississippi.

But driving is mind clearing for me, the driving being pretty much automatic. In driving, the rhythm of the road clears the clutter of the world and its events, exchanging it for thinkin’ better thoughts… hopefully.

My choices in music when driving are soundtracks. I think it is sometimes helpful when the music has no words. Then the oldies which bring back memories of better times, country which usually has a story and maybe a message, and Christian which can be uplifting in both the music and the lyrics, if you listen, which I don’t always do. But that’s what this little piece is about.

Have you ever re-read something, and  said to yourself, “I never noticed that before?” Have you ever watched a movie you’ve already seen and said, “I don’t remember seeing that?” Full disclosure, I think the only movie I have seen more than once is ‘Hunt For Red October.’ It has, by the way, an excellent soundtrack. Did you know it is based on a true story. We can talk about that later.

Or maybe you read a Bible verse again and say, “I didn’t realize it said that!” Or hear a verse used in a message and see it in a totally, new light. Things like that happen to me from time to time.

Somewhere out there on US 54, KJIL played Andrew Ripp’s great song “For The Love Of God.” Now I have heard that song many times, I have even written about it.

But this time, I heard some words I did not realize were in the song. Imagine that!

Those words new to me are:
“I saw mercy seated where the judge should be.”

I thought, “did I just hear that right? Mercy setting where the judge should be?”

A few hours later, when we arrived  home, I used the Google and looked it up. (Note: It is not really safe to use the Google while driving) the Google confirmed it. The song said exactly what I thought I had heard!

And the very next line is, “How could it be?”

That is absolutely amazing.

I know I am a fallen person. I do wrong things. I think wrong thoughts. I deserve the judge and not the mercy. But God, in his infinite mercy (there’s that word again), by the sacrificial blood of Jesus Christ, finds me innocent and provides mercy for me instead of the judgment I most certainly deserve.

The answer to the next question in Andrew’s great song, “Where would I be?” I would be in jail, a spiritual one for sure and potentially a real one.

So read again, listen again, and do not let the world crowd out THE message. Get on Highway 54 and listen to KJIL. Just kidding, highway 54 may not be near you and KJIL probably doesn’t reach to where you are, but there is  one good thing, this world has given us, online capability You can find this, and more great truths by hearing them yet again at, or a Christian station of your choice. Maybe you’re not like me and you catch it the first-time.

Have a wonderful day, and keep it between the lines, pay attention out there, and listen to the words, not just the music.