Finding a new hero…

I write with some knowledge of Scotland.

The US Navy sent me there in 1970 for what became a tour of just over four and a half years. To this day I remain thankful for the Arab oil embargo that made that possible.

My wife is Dundee born as is a daughter who currently works at Ninewells Hospital as a medical doctor. Oh, and I have five grandkids living in that country.

Scotland holds a special place in my heart for other reasons as well. Its history, its stones, and its people have been instrumental in my life.

I have some common-sense, freedom loving heroes. Men and women who have stood their ground, many times stating truth to power at potentially great risk to themselves.

Among them are Edmond Burke who stood in Parliament for the American colonists, Admiral Lord Nelson who broke the Royal Navy’s conventional tactics and leadership mold, Winston Churchill whose outspoken views brought him political defeat, President Reagan who said “Tear down that wall,” Margaret Thatcher who ably led her nation when it was attacked by a foreign nation, President Trump who wants to “Make America Great Again,” Former Speaker Newt Gingrich, Judge Jeanine Pirro, Greg Gutfeld, Jesse Waters, and Dana Perino who encourage us daily with common sense in this crazy mixed-up world in which we are living. Of course, I include the signers of The Declaration of Independence who pledged to each other “…our Lives, our Fortunes and our Sacred honor,” many forfeiting the first two.

Interestingly, two Scots signed that American Declaration. James Wilson, a graduate of Cupar Grammar School (Cupar, is a place I know well) and the University of St. Andrews. John Witherspoon, a Presbyterian minister and graduate of both Edinburgh and St. Andrews Universities was the other.

And from Scotland, I have a new common-sense hero: J.K. Rowling of ‘Harry Potter’ fame. She says what she thinks and is not intimidated by anyone. Unusual in our day.

Scotland has a history of crafting freedom. Its historical words and thoughts provide a strong foundation for many of our cherished freedoms. Thinking of that, the freedom limiting intent of its present government is staggering.

Thank you, J. K., for letting us know that we who think like normal people, aren’t alone. It makes her comments and position even more special when you realize …she did not have to do it.

Society is not moved forward by those who wither in the face of opposition.