A letter to the editor…

Truck traffic’s toll on roads
isn’t just oilfield related

Jack Money’s article on  March 22 about the road tax to help repair Tuttle’s streets was interesting. It’s great to see folks getting together to solve a problem. I’m happy to see Tuttle getting some help, but they aren’t the only town with a truck problem.

Ours isn’t quite like Tuttle’s, but we have well-traveled, paved county roads coming from every direction to intersect with other roads and a U.S. highway. Countless trucks of all kinds, oilfield, grain, hay, cattle and farm drive through town everyday.

The ones coming from the north and turning to go east by the Baptist church must swing wide because of the narrow street to make the turn. You can sit and watch the big tires chewing up the asphalt, especially on the 100+ days in the summer. Some will travel a block east and make a similar turn to the right to head toward Main Street and eventually U.S. 54.

Our streets weren’t designed for large truck traffic. Maybe the focus of the new bill could provide help for towns whose truck traffic, while significant, isn’t always oilfield related.  I think the trucks all weigh about the same anyway.

Don Ukens, Hooker

But is anyone paying attention?