As small as a man’s hand…

Do you doubt there are unseen forces at work in our world and in our lives?  I have proof!  There was a mental battle this morning when my alarm went off.  I had told myself last night I would walk this morning.  But,  I could hear the wind already blowing and Weatherbug showed a 30% chance of storms.  It would be so nice to sit with a cup of coffee and read.

So the battle was on!  Would I win?  Or would the internal forces of darkness win and allow me to just sit in my chair?

I won!  I walked!  It wasn’t too bad.  I feel much better for it.

As I sat at my thin place, (No. 5 Tee Box) I was reminded of Elijah in 1 Kings 18.  He had prayed that it would not rain on the evil generation living in the land.  And it didn’t, for 3 1/2 years.  Now, it needed to rain again, and Elijah was praying for rain.  (It seems like it’s been 3 1/2 years since it rained around here)

Elijah was in earnest prayer and six times he sent his servant to look for signs of rain and the servant saw none.  But on the seventh, the famous phrase was uttered, “I saw a cloud as small as a man’s hand rising out of the Mediterranean,” and that became the much prayed for rain.

In hope, I looked toward the Mediterranean  (I believe it’s off to the Southeast from No. 5 tee) 😎 and I saw no clouds.

In Elijah’s case there are so many lessons lessons for us, on prayer, on persistence, on patience.

And if you read the story in did rain.

Maybe it will for us this afternoon. Weatherbug shows a chance at 9 p.m.

If Elijah had used Weatherbug, he wouldn’t have had to keep bothering his servant.😎