The country people…

It’s a nice, snowy November morning here at Jeff and Angela’s in Deer Park IL.  I have a large window to sit next to, a comfy couch to sit on, a nice cup of coffee, and a couple of good books.  What more could a guy want? 

My good friend Matthew Henry and I were reading earlier in 2 Chronicles and we discovered this wee nugget.  Matthew always has great insight with his 17th Century English perspective. 

Commenting on 2 Chronicles 21, he makes the following comment about Jehoram who was King of Judah after his father Jehoshaphat.  

“Jehoshaphat followed the God of his fathers Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and was a good king but his son turned from the ways of God, following instead the ways of his father-in-law Ahab King of Israel.  Jehoram as you read in the Word actually worked at turning his people against God. 

But, there are those pesky “country people.” 

Matthew continues: “The country people seem to have been brought to it with more difficulty, but those that would not be corrupted by flatteries were driven by force to partake in his abominable idolatries: He compelled Judah thereto. He used that power for the destruction of the church which was given him for the edification of it.”

Interesting isn’t it? Many centuries ago, it was the country people, in flyover country, who tried to hang on to the good things?

When you decide to finally repair our tattered society, look to the country people for help.