Tony Dungy-A Thanksgiving thought..

John 14:15-31 is a very important section of scripture for Christians. Jesus has told His disciples He is going to leave them and return to His Father and gives them instructions and a promise.

Vs 15-If you love me keep my commandments.

Jesus has said that all who believe in Him and follow Him will receive eternal life & live in God’s house. So salvation comes by faith and not by what we do. But here He tells  them their actions will prove their faith. We can’t say we truly love Jesus and believe in Him if we don’t do what He tells us to do.

In vs 16 Jesus gives them a promise and introduces the 3rd member of the Godhead. Jesus is leaving them but He will send the Holy Spirit who will always be with them to teach and guide them. The Holy Spirit will dwell within them (and us). He will remind believers of everything Jesus said and teach us what the scriptures mean.

In vs 27 Jesus concludes by saying  that following the Holy Spirit will result in us having a peace of mind that the rest of the world can’t have. That is Jesus’ gift to those of us who believe in Him and obey His commands.
On this Thanksgiving Day we can be very thankful for that