John 13:18. Jesus and the disciples are sitting down to eat the Passover meal. Jesus has just given them a stunning lesson on humility & service by washing their feet. Now He is going to shake them up even more by proclaiming that one of them is going to betray Him. In vs 19 He says He’s telling them now so that when it happens they will not give in to doubt but will believe even more strongly that He is the Messiah.
The 12 disciples can’t believe what Jesus is saying. They might think He means one of them may make a mistake and do something that leads to a problem for the group but Jesus is saying someone is going to intentionally turn against Him. The disciples want to know who and Jesus gives them a sign. Vs 26 says:
“Jesus responded, “It is the one to whom I give the bread I dip in the bowl.”
This would actually fulfill another prophecy written about the Messiah by King David almost 1000 years earlier. (Psalms 41:9)
But the disciples don’t get it. Even after Jesus gives Judas the bread and tells him to go do what he needs to do, the other 11 don’t understand. When Judas abruptly leaves the dinner they think he’s going to run an errand for Jesus. But the drama is about to unfold—exactly the way God planned it.