Meeting Charley Pride…

Charley Pride

In the early seventies, I found myself at Remote Site H-2 in Iceland. I’m told our mountain was 17 miles from the Arctic Circle.

Travel to H-2 was on what many might have considered an antique aircraft. It was a C-47 dubbed “The Site Bird.”

Some writing on the fuselage inside said “The Site Bird” had flown over “The Hump” in SE Asia during WW2. Along with our old aircraft, our landing strip was gravel and located next to the Norwegian Sea, not far from a wee village called Thorshofn.

Our Site Bird

I tell you all this to tell you there wasn’t much to do at H2 outside of work.

We purchased high-end stereo equipment from the Navy Exchange at the Main Base at Keflavik, and it was delivered to us by, you guessed it, The Site Bird on its weekly flight. (If the weather was good) In those days, “high-end” included top of the line reel-to-reel tape recorders. We recorded each other’s music.

And that’s how I first met Charley Pride. No, he didn’t come to H-2. His audience would probably have been less than a hundred, plus no one came to H2 voluntarily.

I met Charley on a vinyl record I recorded onto one of my reel-to-reel tapes. A song of his still sticks with me; ‘Kiss An Angel Good Morning.’
Today, I consider myself fortunate that I have my very own Angel, and I try to remember Charley’s advice every morning.

I keep that song, along with some of his others, on a couple of my playlists.

I didn’t have an Angel then, but now I do.

Listening to the lyrics might actually save you a trip to a marriage counselor should you maybe need one.  After 54 years, my Angel and I don’t.

My Angel and I a few years ago at what was the main gate at then RAF Edzell in Scotland.  It’s where we first met.

Have a great day.