Was Babel a news item?

The ruin of the Tower of Babel?

“Mark Zuckerberg Says AI Competitors Think They Are ‘Creating God”

This headline from recent news caught my eye.  I said to myself, “I think we’ve been here before!”

The thoughts in the title and the article are nothing new. It’s all been tried before.

There would have undoubtedly been a similar headline in the ‘social media’ of those very olden days. Genesis chapter 11 and verse 4 helps us with these details; “Then they said, “Come, let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the heavens, so that we may make a name for ourselves…” Genesis 11.4

Some historical accounts tell of a tall structure that was constructed between 1400 and 900 BC by King Ninus (Nimrod in the Hebrew). It was for the purpose of reaching the heavens and promoting a Godless mankind.

It is suggested that it was called the Tower of Babel.  Having been destroyed by King Sennacherib, it’s ruins are approximately five and a half miles south of Baghdad in Iraq.

Or,  you may choose to take the view that it is a myth as many worldy writers promote.

It’s your choice.

That’s the way our God works.  He gives you a choice.