Evening storms…

I like to watch the storms build up in the mountains west (Probably 300 miles) us on my weather radar app.  knowing they will bring some cool relief to our hot days as they beat themselves out on the Great High Plains.

Most of the time they bring cool winds, maybe a welcome rain shower, thunder, lighting  and sometimes some hail.  

The last two from the west have been devastating.  You know about Perryton TX.  They got it again last night, just 70-80mph straight winds and rain this time, but that’s on top of the destruction from two nights ago.

We got it last night, but not nearly as bad. Ive attched some pics. Our neighbors from accross the street “weathered” out the storm in our basement.

When I went to bed about 11pm, I checked weather radar one last time and the eastern edge of the storm that started in the early afternoon with a few clouds in the western mountains was touching Interstate 35 north of Oklahoma City, wreaking havoc the whole way.   That is moving.  One couldn’t do that in a car! The Great Plains didn’t wear down the storm, it was if they somehow powered it up.

I always think of the Plains Indians and the settlers headed west and wonder how they handled it with no basement to retire to.

It reminded me if driving home from a radiation treatment in Denver one Kate afternoon.  The moon appeared on the eastern horizon looking large enough to just drive right into it had we continued our easterly direction.   I realized how the primitive people’s might well worship something like that huge otherworldly moon. 


A similar thought came to me after the storms continue to pound us almost every night. Should we be leaving a sacrifice for the god of weather? 

I’m currently reading Ezekiel, and I think not.